Archive for the Naiad Category

automated translation of JavaScript to WebAssembly for SqueakJS

Posted in Caffeine, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , on 6 July 2023 by Craig Latta
creating WASM from JS is a bit like creating DNA from proteins

After creating a working proof-of-concept Squeak Smalltalk virtual machine with a combination of existing SqueakJS code and handwritten WASM (for the instruction functions), I set about automating the generation of WASM from JS for the rest of the functions. (A hybrid WASM/JS virtual machine has poor performance, because of the overhead of calling JS functions from WASM.) Although I expect eventually to write a JS parser with Epigram, for now I’m using the existing JS parser Esprima, via the JS bridge in SqueakJS. (The benefits of using Epigram here will be greatly improved debugging, portability to non-JS platforms, and retention of parsed comments.) After parsing the SqueakJS VM code into Smalltalk objects representing JS parse nodes, I’m using those objects’ WASM generation behavior to generate a WASM-only virtual machine. I’m taking advantage of the newly-added type management instructions added to WASM, as part of its garbage-collection proposal.

type hinting

To make effective use of those instructions, we need the JS code to give some hints about object structure. For example, the SqueakJS at-cache uses JS objects whose structure is emergent, rather than defined explicitly in advance. If SqueakJS were written in TypeScript, where all structures are defined in advance, we would have this information already. Instead, I add a prototype JS object to the at-cache object, describing the type of an at-cache entry:

this.atCacheEntryPrototype = {
			"array": [],
			"convertChars": true,
			"size": 0,
			"ivarOffset": 0}

this.atCachePrototype = [this.atCacheEntryPrototype]
this.atCache = []
this.atCache.prototype = this.atCachePrototype

When generating WASM source, an assignment parse node can check to see if its name ends with “Prototype”, and create type information instead of generating source. The actual JS code for setting a prototype does practically nothing at VM runtime, so has no impact on performance. Types are cached by the left-side node of an assignment expression, and by the outermost scope in a registry of all types. The types themselves are instances of a WASMType hierarchy. They can print WASM for themselves, and assist in printing the WASM for structs that use them.

Overall, I prefer to keep the SqueakJS implementation in JS rather than TypeScript, to keep the fully dynamic style. These prototype annotations are small and manageable.

further JIT optimization

After I’ve got WASM source for the complete virtual machine, I plan to turn my attention to the SqueakJS JIT. This translates Smalltalk compiled method instructions to JS code, which in turn is compiled to physical processor instructions by the JS execution engine. It may be that the web browser can generate more efficient native code from WASM we’ve generated from the generated JS code. It will be good to measure it.

Caffeine Web services through Deno

Posted in Appsterdam, Caffeine, consulting, Context, livecoding, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , on 9 July 2022 by Craig Latta
Caffeine in a Deno worker can provide Web APIs to Smalltalk in a native app.

bridging native apps and the Web

We’ve been able to run Caffeine headlessly in a Web Worker for some time now, using NodeJS. I’ve updated this support to use the Deno JavaScript runtime instead of Node. This gives us better access to familiar Web APIs, and a cleaner module system without npm. I’ve also extended the bridging capability of the code that Deno runs. Now, a native Squeak app can start Deno (via class OSProcess), Deno starts Caffeine in a worker, and the two Smalltalk instances can communicate with each other via remote messaging.

I’m using this bridge to let native Squeak participate in WebRTC sessions with other Smalltalks, as part of the Naiad team development system. The same Squeak object memory runs in both the native Squeak and the Deno worker. I’m sure many other interesting use cases will arise, as we explore what native Squeak and Web Squeak can do together!

Naiad progress 2019-12-02: online team services

Posted in Caffeine, consulting, Context, livecoding, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , on 2 December 2019 by Craig Latta
Naiad keeps livecoders informed of their teammates activity, and remembers all history.

topology established

Naiad is Caffeine‘s live module system. The goal is to support live versioning of classes and methods as they are edited, from connected teams of developers using Smalltalk or JavaScript IDEs from web browsers and native apps. Naiad keeps each developer informed of events meaningful to their teams and work. It’s comparable to a mashup of GitHub and Slack, and will interoperate with them as well.

The current Naiad prototype uses a relay network of NodeJS servers, each with Caffeine running in a Web Worker thread, and each serving a set of Caffeine-based client IDEs, in web browsers and native apps. The workers keep track of class and method versions, system checkpoints, and teams, using the relays to broadcast events to clients. Clients can request various services of the workers, like joining teams and making checkpoints from object memory snapshots.

These two clients are connected to the same relay server. The client on the left created a new team, by sending a message to the relay’s worker. The worker created the team, and told the relay to notify all of its peers (clients and relays). For now, clients respond by inspecting the new team.

I’ve just made the first system checkpoint, and broadcast the first team event (the creation of a team). Eventually, Naiad will support events for several services, including team chatting and screen-sharing, history management, and application deployment. I’m still eager to hear what events and services you think you would want in a livecoding notification system; please let me know! I expect the first public release of this work to be part of the second 2019 solstice release, on 22 December.

a Web UIs update

Posted in Caffeine, consulting, Context, livecoding, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , on 12 September 2019 by Craig Latta
livecoded Vue versions of the Smalltalk devtools

I’ve created working Vue versions of the traditional Smalltalk workspace and classes browser, livecoded in the web browser from the full Squeak IDE. These use the vue-draggable-resizable component as the basis of a window system, for dragging and resizing, and the vue-menu component for pop-up context menus. Third-party Vue components are loaded live from the network using http-vue-loader, avoiding all offline build steps (e.g., with webpack). Each Smalltalk devtool UI is expressed as a Vue “single-file component” and loaded live.

When enough of the Smalltalk devtools are available in this format, I can provide an initial Squeak object memory snapshot without the UI process and its supporting code, and without the relatively large bitmaps for the Display, drop-shadows, and fonts. This snapshot will be about two megabytes, down from the 35-megabyte original. (I also unloaded lots of other code in The Big Shakeout, including Etoys and Monticello). This will greatly improve Caffeine’s initial-page-load and snapshot times.

I’m also eager to develop other apps, like a proper GUI for the Chrome devtools, a better web browser tabs manager, and several end-user apps. Caffeine is becoming an interesting platform!

The Big Shake-Out

Posted in Appsterdam, Caffeine, consulting, Context, livecoding, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 25 March 2019 by Craig Latta

Golden Retriever shaking off water

Some of those methods were there for a very long time!

I have adapted the minimization technique from the Naiad module system to Caffeine, my integration of OpenSmalltalk with the Web and Node platforms. Now, from a client Squeak, Pharo, or Cuis system in a web browser, I can make an EditHistory connection to a history server Smalltalk system, remove via garbage collection every method not run since the client was started, and imprint needed methods from the server as the client continues to run.

This is a garbage collection technique that I had previously called “Dissolve”, but I think the details are easier to explain with a different metaphor: “shaking” loose and removing everything which isn’t attached to the system through usage. This is a form of dynamic dead code elimination. The technique has two phases: “fusing” methods that must not be removed, and “shaking” loose all the others, removing them. This has a cascading effect, as the literals of removed methods without additional references are also removed, and further objects without references are removed as well.

After unfused methods and their associated objects are removed, the subsystems that provided them are effectively unloaded. For the system to use that functionality again, the methods must be reloaded. This is possible using the Naiad module system. By connecting a client system to a history server before shaking, the client can reload missing methods from the server as they are needed. For example, if the Morphic UI subsystem is shaken away, and the user then attempts to use the UI, the parts of Morphic needed by the user’s interactions are reloaded as needed.

This technology is useful for delineating subsystems that were created without regard to modularity, and creating deployable modules for them. It’s also useful for creating minimal systems suited to a specific purpose. You can fuse all the methods run by the unit tests for an app, and shake away all the others, while retaining the ability to debug and extend the system.

how it works

Whether a method is fused or not is part of the state of the virtual machine running the system, and is reset when the virtual machine starts. On system resumption, no method is fused. Each method can be told to fuse itself manually, through a primitive interface. Otherwise, methods are fused by the virtual machine as they are run. A class called Shaker knows which methods in a typical system are essential for operation. A Shaker instance can ensure those methods are fused, then shake the system.

Shaking itself invokes a variant of the normal OpenSmalltalk garbage collector. It replaces each unfused method with a special method which, when run, knows how to install the original method from a connected history server. In effect, all unfused methods are replaced by a single method.

Reinstallation of a method uses Naiad behavior history metadata, obtained by remote messaging with a history server, to reconstruct the method and put it in the proper method dictionary. The process creates any necessary prerequisites, such as classes and shared pools. No compiler is needed, because methods are constructed from previously-generated instructions; source code is merely an optional annotation.

the benefits of livecoding all the way down

I developed the virtual machine support for this feature with Bert Freudenberg‘s SqueakJS virtual machine, making heavy use of the JavaScript debugger in a web browser. I was struck by how much faster this sort of work is with a completely livecoded environment, rather than the C-based environment in which we usually develop the virtual machine. It’s similar to the power of Squeak’s virtual machine simulator. The tools, living in JavaScript, aren’t as powerful as Smalltalk-based ones, but they operate on the final Squeak virtual machine, rather than a simulation that runs much more slowly. Rebuilding the virtual machine amounts to reloading the web page in which it runs, and takes a few seconds, rather than the ordeal of a C-based build.

Much of the work here involved trial and error. How does Shaker know which methods are essential for system operation? I found out directly, by seeing where the system broke after being shaken. One can deduce some of the answer; for example, it’s obvious that the methods used by method contexts of current processes should be fused. Most of the essential methods yet to run, however, are not obvious. It was only because I had an interactive virtual machine development environment that it was feasible to restart the system and modify the virtual machine as many times as I needed (many, many times!), in a reasonable timeframe. Being able to tweak the virtual machine in real time from Smalltalk was also indispensable for debugging and feature development.

I want to thank Bert again for his work on SqueakJS. Also, many thanks to Dan Ingalls and the rest of the Lively team for creating the environment in which SqueakJS was originally built.

release schedule

I’m preparing Shaker for the next seasonal release of Caffeine, on the first 2019 solstice, 21 June 2019. I’ll make the virtual machine changes available for all OpenSmalltalk host platforms, in addition to the Web and Node platforms that Caffeine uses via the SqueakJS virtual machine. There may be alpha and beta releases before then.

If this technology sounds interesting to you, please let me know. I’m interested in use cases for testing. Thanks!

Pharo comes to Caffeine and SqueakJS

Posted in Appsterdam, consulting, Context, GLASS, Naiad, Seaside, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , , , , on 29 June 2017 by Craig Latta

Google ChromeScreenSnapz025

The Caffeine web livecoding project has added Pharo to the list of Smalltalk distributions it runs with SqueakJS. Bert Freudenberg and I spent some time getting SqueakJS to run Pharo at ESUG 2016 in Prague last summer, and it mostly worked. I think Bert got a lot further since then, because now there are just a few Pharo primitives that need implementing. All I’ve had to do so far this time is a minor fix to the input event loop and add the JavaScript bridge. The bridge now works from Pharo, and it’s the first time I’ve seen that.

Next steps include getting the Tether remote messaging protocol and Snowglobe app streaming working between Pharo and Squeak, all running in SqueakJS. Of course, I’d like to see fluid code-sharing of all kinds between Squeak, Pharo, and all the other Smalltalk implementations.

So, let the bugfixing begin! :)  You can run it at Please do get in touch if you find and fix things. Thanks!

a faster Morphic with morphic.js

Posted in Appsterdam, consulting, Context, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 28 June 2017 by Craig Latta

Google ChromeScreenSnapz017

Caffeine is powered by SqueakJS. The performance of SqueakJS is amazingly good, thanks in large part to its dynamic translation of Smalltalk compiled methods to JavaScript functions (which are in turn translated to machine code by your web browser’s JS engine). In the HTML5 environment where SqueakJS finds itself, there are several other tactics we can use to further improve user interface performance.


In a useful twist of fate, SqueakJS emerges into a GUI ecosystem descended from Smalltalk, now brimming with JavaScript frameworks to which SqueakJS can delegate much of its work. To make Caffeine an attractive environment for live exploration, I’m addressing each distraction I see.

The most prominent one is user interface responsiveness. SqueakJS is quite usable, even with large object memories, but its Morphic UI hasn’t reached the level of snappiness that we expect from today’s web apps. Squeak is a virtual machine, cranking away to support what is essentially an entire operating system, with a process scheduler, window system, compiler, and many other facilities. Since, with SqueakJS, that OS has access to a multitude of similar behavior in the JavaScript world, we should take advantage.

Of course, the UI design goals of the web are different than those of other operating systems. Today’s web apps are still firmly rooted in the web’s original “page” metaphor. “Single Page Applications” that scroll down for meters are the norm. While there are many frameworks for building SPAs, support for open-ended GUIs is uncommon. There are a few, though; one very good one is morphic.js.


Morphic.js is the work of Jens Mönig, and part of the Snap! project at UC Berkeley, a Scratch-like environment which teaches advanced computer science concepts. It’s a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Morphic UI framework. By using morphic.js, Squeak can save its cycles for other things, interacting with it only when necessary.

To use morphic.js in Caffeine, we need to give morphic.js an HTML5 canvas for drawing. The Webpage class can create new DOM elements, and use jQuery UI to give them effects like dragging and rotation. With one line we create a draggable canvas with window decorations:

canvas := Webpage createWindowOfKind: 'MorphicJS'

Now, after loading morphic.js, we can create a morphic.js WorldMorph object that uses the canvas:

world := (JS top at: #WorldMorph) newWithParameters: {canvas. false}

Finally, we need to create a rendering loop that regularly gets the world to draw itself on the canvas:

(JS top)
  at: #world
  put: world;
  at: #morphicJSRenderingLoop
  put: (
    (JS Function) new: '

JS top morphicJSRenderingLoop

Now we have an empty morphic.js world to play with. The first thing to know about morphic.js is that you can get a world menu by control-clicking:

Google ChromeScreenSnapz018

Things are a lot more interesting if you choose development mode:

Google ChromeScreenSnapz019.png

Take some time to play around with the world menu, creating some morphs and modifying them. Note that you can also control-click on morphs to get morph-specific menus, and that you can inspect any morph.

Google ChromeScreenSnapz020.png

Also notice that this user interface is noticeably snappier than the current SqueakJS Morphic. MorphicJS isn’t trying to do all of the OS-level stuff that Squeak does, it’s just animating morphs, using a rendering loop that is runs as machine code in your web browser’s JavaScript engine.

Smalltalk tools in another world, with Hex

The inspector gives us an example of a useful morphic.js tool. Since we can pass Smalltalk blocks to JavaScript as callback functions, we have two-way communication between Smalltalk and JavaScript, and we can build morphic.js tools that mimic the traditional Squeak tools.

I’ve built two such tools so far, a workspace and a classes browser. You can try them out with these expressions:

HexMorphicJSWorkspace open.
HexMorphicJSClassesBrowser open

“Hex” refers to a user interface framework I wrote called Hex, which aggregates several JavaScript UI frameworks. HexMorphicJSWorkspace and HexMorphicJSClassesBrowser are subclasses of HexMorphicJSWindow. Each instance of every subclass of HexMorphicJSWindow can be used either as a standalone morphic.js window, or as a component in a more complex window. This is the case with these first two tools; a HexMorphicJSClassesBrowser uses a HexMorphicJSWorkspace as a pane for live code evaluation, and you can also use a HexMorphicJSWorkspace by itself as a workspace.

With a small amount of work, we get much snappier versions of the traditional Smalltalk tools. When using them, SqueakJS only has to do work when the tools request information from them. For example, when a workspace wants to print the result of evaluating some Smalltalk code, it asks SqueakJS to compile and evaluate it.

coming up…

It would be a shame not to reuse all the UI construction effort that went into the original Squeak Morphic tools, though. What if we were to put each Morphic window onto its own canvas, so that SqueakJS didn’t have to support moving windows, clipping and so on? Perhaps just doing that would yield a performance improvement. I’ll write about that next time.

Caffeine in 3D with voxel.js

Posted in Appsterdam, consulting, Context, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , , on 24 June 2017 by Craig Latta

voxel.js in CaffeineSince Caffeine is powered by SqueakJS, you can create mashups with any other JavaScript frameworks you like. Let’s take a simple look at 3D graphics using voxel.js, an open-source voxel game building toolkit.

hello blocks

Following the “hello world” example at, we generate a simple Minecraft-like blocks world in which we can walk around and dig (you can visit it here). The example gives us a JavaScript file, builtgame.js, that we can also use from Caffeine.

As generated, builtgame.js evaluates its createGame function at load time. This creates an HTML5 canvas, initializes WebGL, and begins the game when the hosting page is loaded. We want to save those steps for SqueakJS to initiate, and we also want to use a canvas of our own, in a Caffeine window.

hooks for Caffeine

We can achieve the first part by changing builtgame.js so that it just puts createGame somewhere SqueakJS can get to it, instead of evaluating it. We can create a property on the browser DOM window for this: = createGame;

Normally we would edit the source projects from which builtgame.js is generated, rather than builtgame.js directly (properly forking the corresponding repositories), but for this example we’ll just go ahead.

Voxel.js uses the three.js framework as its WebGL interface. The three.js WebGL renderer accepts an HTML5 canvas parameter for its initialization function. The second change we’ll make to builtgame.js is to pass a canvas set by SqueakJS in another window property:

View.prototype.createRenderer = function() {
  this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
    canvas: window.gameCanvas !== undefined ? window.gameCanvas : undefined,
    antialias: true});
  this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height);
  this.renderer.setClearColorHex(this.skyColor, 1.0);

Finally, we’ll change the game rendering initialization function, to save a reference to the voxel.js renderer’s event emitter, so that we can tell it to pause from SqueakJS:

Game.prototype.initializeRendering = function(opts) {
  var self = this;
  if (!opts.statsDisabled) self.addStats();
  window.addEventListener('resize', self.onWindowResize.bind(self), false); = (
      function(dt) {
        self.emit('prerender', dt);
        self.emit('postrender', dt);
  if (typeof stats !== 'undefined') {
      function() {

on the Smalltalk side

Now, in SqueakJS, we can create a VoxelJS class:

  subclass: #VoxelJS
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Hex-HTML5-WebGL-VoxelJS'.

VoxelJS class instanceVariableNames: 'game'

We’ll give it a class-side method to load and initialize voxel.js, with a Caffeine window and canvas for it to use:


| canvas |

Webpage current loadScriptFrom: 'js/voxeljs/builtgame.js'.
canvas := Webpage createWorldOfKind: 'voxeljs'.
canvas styleAt: #borderRadius put: '10px'.

(Webpage current)
  windowizeElementNamed: canvas window id
  closingWith: [
    self pause.
    Webpage current top at: #gameCanvas put: nil].

canvas window dragWith: canvas window windowButtonsTray moveButton.
game := (
  (Webpage current top)
    at: #gameCanvas put: canvas;
    game: {#container -> canvas window})

We’ll also add a method for pausing the voxel.js renderer, using the ee property we added to the game rendering initialization in builtgame.js:

  game ee pause.
  (JQuery at: #fps) element remove

In a workspace, we send our initialization message:

VoxelJS initialize

Now we have our first voxel world, running in a Caffeine window that we can easily close, rather than the whole screen. If you clear your browser cache (including IndexedDB) for, you can reload the Caffeine page to see this code in action.

Please let me know if you get this far!


Caffeine :: Livecode the Web!

Posted in Appsterdam, consulting, Context, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon, SqueakJS with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 22 June 2017 by Craig Latta

CaffeineFor the impatient… here it is.

Back to the Future, Again

With the arrival of Bert Freudenberg’s SqueakJS, it was finally time for me to revisit the weird and wonderful world of JavaScript and web development. My previous experiences with it, in my consulting work, were marked by awkward development tools, chaotic frameworks, and scattered documentation. Since I ultimately rely on debuggers to make sense of things, my first question when evaluating a development environment is “What is debugging like?”

Since I’m a livecoder, I want my debugger to run in the web browser I’m using to view the site I’m debugging. The best in-browser debugger I’ve found, Chrome DevTools (CDT), is decent if you’re used to a command-line interface, but lacking as a GUI. With Smalltalk, I can open new windows to inspect objects, and keep them around as those objects evolve. CDT has an object explorer integrated into its read-eval-print loop (REPL), and a separate tab for inspecting DOM trees, but using them extensively means a lot of scrolling in the REPL (since asynchronous console messages show up there as well) and switching between tabs. CDT can fit compactly onto the screen with the subject website, but doesn’t make good use of real estate when it has more. This interrupts the flow of debugging and slows down development.

The Pieces Are All Here

With SqueakJS, and its JavaScript bridge, we can make something better. We can make an in-browser development environment that compares favorably with external environments like WebStorm. I started from a page like The first thing we need is a way to move the main SqueakJS HTML5 canvas around the page. I found jQuery UI to be good for this, with its “draggable” effect. While we’re at it, we can also put each of Squeak‘s Morphic windows onto a separate draggable canvas. This moves a lot of the computation burden from SqueakJS to the web browser, since SqueakJS no longer has to do window management. This is a big deal, since Morphic window management is the main thing making modern Squeak UIs feel slow in SqueakJS today.

SqueakJS provides a basic proxy class for JavaScript objects, called JSObjectProxy. Caffeine has an additional proxy class called JSObject, which provides additional reflection features, like enumerating the subject JS object’s properties. It’s also a good place for documenting the behavior of the JS objects you’re using. Rather than always hunting down the docs for HTMLCanvasElement.getContext on MDN, you can summarize things in a normal method comment, in your HTMLCanvasElement class in Smalltalk.

Multiple Worlds

With a basic window system based on HTML5 canvases, we can draw whatever we like on those canvases, using the SqueakJS bridge and whatever other JS frameworks we care to load. I’ve started integrating a few frameworks, including React (for single-page-app development), three.js (for WebGL 3D graphics development), and morphic.js (a standalone implementation of Morphic which is faster than what’s currently in Squeak). I’ll write about using them from Caffeine in future blog posts.

Another framework I’ve integrated into Caffeine is Snowglobe (for Smalltalk app streaming and other remote GUI access), which I wrote about here previously. I think the Snowglobe demo is a lot more compelling when run from Caffeine, since it can co-exist with other web apps in the same page. You can also run multiple Snowglobes easily, and drag things between them. I’ll write more about that, too.

Fitting Into the JavaScript Ecosystem

To get the full-featured debugger UI I wanted, I wrote a Chrome extension called Caffeine Helper, currently available on the Chrome Web Store. It exposes the Chrome Debugging Protocol (CDP) support in the web browser to SqueakJS, letting it do whatever the CDT can do (CDT, like SqueakJS, is just another JavaScript-powered web app). The support for CDP that I wrote about previously uses a WebSocket-based CDP API that requires Chrome to be started in a special way. The Caffeine Helper extension provides a JavaScript API, without that requirement.

I also wrote support for generating Smalltalk code from JavaScript, using the esprima parsing framework, and vice-versa. With my debugger and code generation, I’m going to try developing for some file-based JS projects, using Smalltalk behind the scenes and converting to and from JavaScript when necessary. I think JS web development might actually not drive me crazy this way. :)

Please Try It Out!

So, please check out Caffeine, at! I would very much appreciate your feedback. I’m particularly interested to hear your use cases, as I plan the next development steps. I would love to have collaborators, too. Let’s build!

App streaming with Snowglobe

Posted in Appsterdam, consulting, Context, Naiad, Smalltalk, Spoon with tags , , , , , , , , on 31 October 2016 by Craig Latta

Now that we’ve seen how to run Smalltalk in a web browser, clone web Smalltalk as a desktop app, and send remote messages between Smalltalks, let’s look at an application of these technologies.

app streaming

App streaming is a way of delivering the user experience of an app without actually running the app on the user’s machine. The name is an allusion to music and video streaming; you get to experience the asset immediately, without waiting for it to download completely. Streaming an app also has the benefit of avoiding installation, something which can be problematic to do (and to undo). This is nice when you just want to demo an app, before deciding to install it.

Another advantage of app streaming is that the app can run on a much faster machine than the user’s, or even on a network of machines. Social networks are a crude example of app streaming; there are massive backends working behind your web browser, crunching away on all that graph data. Typically, though, app streaming involves an explicit visual component, with the user’s display and input devices standing in for the normal ones. The goal is to make using a new app as simple as playing an online video.

distributing Smalltalk user interface components

Everything in Smalltalk happens by objects sending messages to each other. With a remote messaging framework like Tether, we can put some of the objects in a user interface on a remote machine. Snowglobe is an adaptation of Squeak‘s Morphic user interface framework which runs Squeak on a server, but uses SqueakJS in a client web browser as the display. This is an easy way to recast a Smalltalk application as a web app, while retaining the processing speed and host platform access of the original.

Morphic is built around a display loop, where drawable components (morphs) are “stepped” at some frequency, like a flipbook animation. Normally, drawing is done on a single morph that corresponds to the display of the machine where Squeak is running. Snowglobe adds a second display morph which is Tether-aware. When drawing to this tethered display morph, the app server translates every display operation into a compact remote message.

To maximize speed, Morphic already tries to do its drawing with as few operations as possible (e.g., avoiding unnecessary redrawing). This is especially important when display operations become remote, since network transmission is orders of magnitude slower than local drawing. Since the tethered display morph also lives in a Smalltalk object memory, we can optimize drawing operations involving graphics that are known to both sides of the connection. For example, when changing the mouse cursor to a resize icon when hovering over the corner of a window, there’s no need to send the icon over the wire, since the displaying system already has it. Instead, we can send a much smaller message requesting that the icon be shown.

For full interaction, we also need to handle user input events going back the other way. Snowglobe co-opts Morphic’s user input handling as well. With user input and display forwarded appropriately together, we achieve the seamless illusion that our app is running locally, either as a single morph amongst other local morphs, or using the entire screen.

going beyond screen-sharing

Protocols like VNC do the remote display and user input handling we’ve discussed, although they are typically more complicated to start than clicking a link in a web browser. But since both systems in a Snowglobe session are Smalltalk, we can go beyond simple screen sharing. We can use Tether to send any remote messages we want, so either side can modify the app-streaming behavior in response to user actions. For example, the user might decide to go full-screen in the web browser displaying the app, prompting SqueakJS to notify the remote app, which could change the way the app displays itself.

try it for yourself

I’ve set up an AWS server running the Squeak IDE, reachable from SqueakJS in your web browser. Be gentle… there’s only one instance running (actually two, one in Europe and one in North America, chosen for you automatically by Amazon). Please check it out and let me know what you think!