new Naiad memory visualization data

minimal Naiad memory visualization, 2011-01-27

I’ve finished another manual pass through the minimal Naiad subject memory, and have generated another set of graph data for the Walrus 3D visualizer. There are 8,628 objects and 28,449 connections, in a memory that is 281,604 bytes in size. Try exploring around the space; please let me know if you find anything odd. :)  You can watch a sample exploration session, too:

12 Responses to “new Naiad memory visualization data”

  1. Is there a way to port the code to generate it to pharo or squeak?


    • Craig Latta Says:

      Hi Javier… I wrote the code for writing the graph as an extension to the Squeak virtual machine simulator. It will be part of the Spoon 3 release on 20 March. Thanks!


  2. Chris Cunnington Says:

    I’ve given Walrus a more than reasonable chunk of time. It needs OpenGL, JDK, Java3D, and then execution on PC or Linux, because it can’t work on Mac. Walrus hasn’t been updated since 2005; Java3D since 2008. OpenGL is odd on Windows; Java (to me) is odd on Linux.

    Could you perhaps say something about the rig that produced these pictures?


    • Craig Latta Says:

      Hm, that’s weird, I’ve only ever used it on MacOSX (starting in 2007), and that’s where I use it now. You tried it there and it didn’t work? I produce the graph file from the simulator, and just open it up like any other graph file in Walrus, nothing tricky.


  3. Chris Cunnington Says:

    I’d better look again. I didn’t even try it on the Mac, as there was some warning warding me off to other OSes. I’ll check again.


  4. Chris Cunnington Says:

    OK, I got it. I swear the documentation was very down on Mac.
    Download the zip. Enter that directory with Terminal. Execute:

    java -cp mp.jar:antlrall-mod.jar:libsea.jar:walrus.jar H3Main

    and it comes right up. I can explore the graph. I haven’t been able to make a node a turn red yet and identify itself, as in the movie. I’ll play with it.


    • Craig Latta Says:

      Cool! And there should be a shell script in there called “walrus” that does that for you. So it’s just ‘./walrus &’.


  5. Chris Cunnington Says:


    gives me a mouse that makes nodes turn red. They all have the same name: “F”.


    • Craig Latta Says:

      Oh, turning the labels on is definitely a clunky part of the Walrus UI. Select “description” from the “Node Label” menu, then select “Update” from the “Rendering” menu. I think that was buried somewhere in the documentation, or maybe I just found it by playing around.

      The gestures I use most are:

      left-button-drag to pan
      right-button-click to put a node in the center
      shift-right-button-click to show a label
      shift-middle-button-click to hide subtrees rooted at a node
      comma to zoom out
      period to zoom in

      and I usually have the coordinate axes turned off.

      I found a nice little program for the Mac called “BetterTouchTool” that gives me programmable middle-button events from trackpads and mice.



  6. Chris Cunnington Says:

    It all works and it’s surprisingly addictive. I think I’ll be playing with it for a while. Thanks.


  7. […] check out Cytoscape. I’ve made some very useful visualizations of Spoon object memory reference graphs before. With Cytoscape I think I’ll be able to […]


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